Daily Prayers #2 Ram & Saraswati

यहाँ कुछ लघु  लेकिन बहुत ही प्रभावशाली श्लोक और मंत्र जाप दिये गए हैं जो आप सरलता से कर सकते हैं।
सच्ची भावना और निष्ठा लगन से आप सुमिरन करे 🙏🙏🙏

श्रीराम जय राम

रामं लक्शमण पूर्वजं रघुवरं सीतापतिं सुंदरम्‌ काकुत्स्थं करुणार्णवं गुणनिधिं विप्रप्रियं धार्मिकम्‌
राजेन्द्रं सत्यसंधं दशरथनयं श्यामलं शान्तमूर्तिम्‌वन्दे लोकभिरामं रघुकुलतिलकं राघवं रावणारिम्‌

I salute that Rama who is handsome, the elder brother of Lakshmana, the husband of Sita and the best of the scions of the Raghu race, Him who is the ocean of compassion, the stockpile of virtues, the beloved of the Brahmans and the protector of Dharma, Him who is the practicer of the Truth, the lord emperor of kings, the son of Dasharatha, dark-complexioned and the personification of Peace and tranquillity, Him who is the enemy of Ravana, the crown jewel of the Raghu dynasty and the cynosure of all eyes .


रां रामाय नमः

श्रीराम जय राम जय जय राम

माँ शारदा

सरस्वति महाभागे विद्ये कमललोचने ।
विद्यारूपे विशालाक्षि विद्यां देहि नमोस्तुते ॥

O Devi Saraswati, the most Auspicious Goddess of Knowledge with Lotus-like Eyes,
An Embodiment of Knowledge with Large Eyes, Kindly Bless me with Knowledge. I Salute you.

ज्ञानं देहि स्मृतिं देहि विद्यां देहि नमोस्तुते ।
प्रतिष्ठां कवितां देहि शक्तिम् शिष्यप्रबोधिनीं ॥


या देवी सर्वभूतेषु ज्ञानरूपेण संस्थिता।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥

ॐ श्रीं सरस्वत्यै नमः
